Rich Idiots Are Killing The Media To Please The Tech Industry

The Better Offline podcast is perhaps my favorite podcast so far this year and I listen to A LOT of podcasts, Here is a banger for you. The death of Vice and Sports Illustrated are pretty damn sad.

Practically speaking, this meant that outlets were forced by the idiotic executives to chase the dragon of social media and search traffic, and they'd optimize their content not for a person or a living being of any kind, but to please algorithms that they didn't control, run by companies like Meta and Google who didn't give a shit about them. As a result, it's been a fairly apocalyptic decade in journalism...

As private equity and venture capital money is flown into the media industry, so of the rotten demands for eternal growth.

Corey Hike is an example of the media world's failure to police itself. She is a career failure. This is now the second publication she's driven into the ground because she does not understand what she is doing, and that op ed I previously mentioned the twenty seventeen Vox one she claimed that we were in the early stages of a visual revolution in journalism. To be clear, Corey Hike is not a journalist. She's not an editor. She's not a creator. She's not a creative. She doesn't write things, she doesn't speak things, she doesn't take photos, and she doesn't draw things. She is a parasite. And these walking stains on the earth. They got rich. They got rich as hundreds of people lost their jobs.