Turn of Gemini in Gmail and other bits

“How to turn off Gemini AI in Gmail, Google Workspace

Disabling Gemini is fairly straightforward if you have access to your email domain’s administrator settings. First, access the Admin Console. Next, go to your Menu, select Generative AI, and choose Gemini.

From there, under the section that says Service status, select OFF for everyone.

It’s as simple as that.

If you don’t have access to the admin console, in your personal inbox settings you can go to General and turn off Smart features and personalization.

While that won’t entirely block the feature’s presence in your inbox, it will limit it.”

This kinda ties into something I have been meaning to mention here. Mainly, I am majorly limiting my internet time now so the blog posts here will probably dry up. I started Blogging back in 1998 and kinda kept at it all this time. But the internet is not what it once was and the rot is spreading so god damn fast. Most stuff I look up is AI generated trash or poison pill MAGA crap. So, well, I am just reading more books, doing more art and music. So, take this as my last post for awhile.

DanK- Signing off