So I had to make a new render this AM ;)
Houdini Doodle - Dyer
Little doodle I whipped out today for something still cooking in the oven.
Have a lot going on and been busy with the life and work so trying to post when I can. Need to update the portfolio as well, but I kinda don’t enjoy that and it’s a lot of work that I don’t have time for at the moment, lol! But it is on the radar as something that needs to get done.
Something someone said....
Doodle time.
Karma default clouds versus Redshift Standard Volume
So in my challenge to start using Karma / Solaris more in Houdini I went and did some cloud tests one a cloud I modeled back for the guitar project. Same scale height and settings as close as I could get them. Karma volume settings are just default, no changes. I had to tweak the Redshift Standard Volume Shader a good deal to get it this far. Rendered both out at 1920x 1080. The Karma one looks more like a cloud though while the Redshift one still feels more like smoke to me. Karma on left, Redshift on right. Using Houdini 20.5.410 and Redshift 2025.1.1.
Houdini Doodle
Some more water explorations going on and playing with displacement.
Doodles: Stay Lost
Revisiting a concept from a few years back for todays doodle, “Stay Lost”.
Houdini Doodle: Water and wax part two
Just riffing on this concept. It’s actually pretty easy to load in a new model at the start of this chain and have it work.
Portugal. The Man's John Gourley Gretsch Guitar
Just posted a new piece I did on a lovely Gretsch guitar. The request was, “Alaska / Northern Lights” and this is what I came up with. Used Houdini and Redshift for the cloudscape. Fun stuff!
Just some rando Houdini doodles messing with different systems. Nothing thought out or anything, just trying to mess around more with it.
Some R&D that died
Was working up some stuff with the ripple solver that missed the mark, but it’s kinda interesting. The tricky bit with water and glass is that it is defined by it’s reflections. Anyways, onward…
New Portfolio Posted: Nike Kobe VIII Protro
Just posted some new work we did for Nike, Kobe VIII launch. Shot by Ryan Unruh. We did all the retouching, set builds and renders and then compositing it all together with CG shadows as well. Fun stuff.
Make Your Renders Unnecessarily Complicated
This is some funny stuff if you know anything about CG or render engines.
I did a lens in Octane once following a tut and it was an interesting experiment. This person goes way next level though.
The results are pretty interesting as well.
Houdini Doodle- 6-12-23
Might try a new take on doing Houdini Doodles so I can get some daily practice in. The thought is to go to my “Clean Sets” moodboard on Behance and just try to recreate something from there. Today’s is based off Jania Brand Identity. Tea pot artwork provided by Jason Leisge. Hopefully, I stop overthinking and just bang something out in 20 minutes as practice.
Update time
Sometimes the little updates make it all better ;)
Jiri Miratsky Houdini files on Gumroad
Not MIA, just a busy start to the year
Been abnormally busy so any free time I have has been spent away from screens and in meatspace doing things with my actual hands, lol! Here are some Houdini tests I did a month or so ago though. Hoping to carve out more time for blogging and getting new portfolio pieces up before the end of the month? Maybe?
Houdini Doodle
I saw this piece in Portland Monthly shot by Mike Novak and wanted to take a swing at something similar in Houdini. First image is the inspiration, second is my interpretation.
New Work in the Wild!
Some renders we did went live on the Specialized site not too long ago. The lighting on these was pretty complicated and really happy with the results. I’ll post a screenshot of the set when I get some free time to dive back into it.
Unreal 5 still life doodle
Been doodling in Unreal 5 a bit and here is a quick little thing. I really need to get a better understanding of the cameras, post processing and sequencer….
Houdini - Redshift - Spiderweb - Project walkthrough
This is good to have handy in case anyone needs some creepy-pasta added to their renders. Cool solution as well.